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Ethan Hawke Quotes

"One of the exciting things about being an artist is that you’re able to invent new ways to tell stories that haven’t been told in that way before""I don't want to be irrelevant because I do too much of one thing.""I made the decision I would act in films if I could act in the theater too""I think most people are good at more things than the world gives them the opportunity to be""They weren't trying to be commercial. They were just doing what they loved, and they were interested in the art form""You know, when you really get down to it, our national sport is gossip""There's something really deep about artists that work their whole life on one canvas one book and it's what they care about. It's what they're fighting for""If you're not still learning how to play it, then you've probably put it down and are thinking of something else""I always felt that a marriage works best at a farm you know because you have a front to put on for the public""My principal motivation is supporting my family, which is not a bad reason""Good acting should teach people to understand each other better""The simple things are really what life's about""The more sincere I could be, the better it would be for the film""I don't believe in making decisions by fear""To get lost in love is a human thing""When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness""Success isn’t measured by what you achieve, it’s measured by the obstacles you overcome"
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