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Kevin Kelly Quotes
"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."
"A great way to understand yourself is to seriously reflect on everything you find irritating in others."
"Looking ahead, focus on direction rather than destinations.Maintain the right direction and you’ll arrive at where you want to go."
"The end is almost always the beginning of something better."
"Your ideal partner is not someone you never disagree with but someone you are glad to disagree with."
"The purpose of listening is not to reply, but to hear what is not being said."
"You can reduce the annoyance of someone’s stupid belief by increasing your understanding of why they believe it."
"Don’t be the best. Be the only."
"Learn how to learn from those you disagree with or even offend you."
"Anger is not the proper response to anger. When you see someone angry you are seeing their pain. Compassion is the proper response to anger."
"The more you are interested in others the more interesting they’ll find you. To be interesting, be interested."
"Habit is far more dependable than inspiration. Make progress by making habits. Don’t focus on getting into shape. Focus on becoming the kind of person who never misses a workout."
"Instead of asking your child what they learned today, ask them who they helped today."
"The smallest thought could not exist unless the entire universe and the laws of physics were in some way encouraging it."
"We are morphing so fast that our ability to invent new things outpaces the rate we can civilize them."
"While anonymity can be used to protect heroes, it is far more commonly used as a way to escape responsibility."
"Don’t treat people as bad as they are. Treat them as good as you are."
"Trust is earned in drops and lost in buckets."