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Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes

"Missing a train is only painful if you run after it; therefore, it is best to avoid running after trains""It is nonhabitability, more than any other factor, that determines our potential for antifragility""The main point of financial opacity is that what is debatable remains hidden""What we observe is not a pure randomness, but a mixture of order and disorder, of patterns and chaos, of regularities and irregularities""The difference between doctors and patients is that doctors are far less likely to know what they don’t know""Stoicism is about the domestication of emotions, not their elimination""You can only control your attempt at loving, not the actual behavior""The paradox of technology is that it makes what we know obsolete, while creating brand new uncertainties""You are rich if and only if money you refuse tastes better than money you accept""The problem with experts is that they do not know what they do not know""True humility is when you can surprise yourself more than others""Randomness is indistinguishable from complicated, undirected effort""I've got some good news for you: you don’t have to buy insurance""What you know is a function of what you have been exposed to""The general principle is that the solution does not have to be in the form of what you see""Some events, you don't know how they are going to end""Wealth does not count, attention counts""People don't know about risk, uncertainty, and surety""You will get the best prediction of the future from the realization that the predictive power of the past has never been good at making future predictions""The more egregious the failure, the more important it is of first-order importance, not second-order importance"