"No es tanto por su belleza que el bosque cautiva los corazones de los hombres, sino por ese algo sutil, esa calidad del aire, esa emanación de los árboles viejos, que maravillosamente cambia y renueva un espíritu cansado."
— Robert Louis Stevenson
Simplified Meaning:
Spending time in a forest isn't just about admiring its looks; there's something special about the air and the feeling you get from being around old trees that truly refreshes and uplifts your mood. Imagine you've had a hard day at work, and you're feeling tired and stressed. If you go for a walk in a forest, you'll notice how the fresh air and peaceful atmosphere help you feel better. The quiet and the surroundings work together to calm your mind, almost like they're giving you new energy. Just like how visiting a beautiful garden might lift your spirits or make you feel relaxed, a forest does the same but even more deeply, thanks to the age and presence of the towering trees. These natural places have a special power to make you feel renewed and more at peace with yourself.