"في الأمور الصغيرة، ثق بالعقل، وفي الكبيرة، بالقلب."
— Sigmund Freud
Simplified Meaning:
When it comes to making decisions about everyday, minor problems, it's often best to use your logic and reasoning. For example, if you need to decide what to eat for dinner or what route to take to work, it makes sense to think things through calmly and choose what is most practical. However, for big life decisions like choosing a career, deciding whom to marry, or moving to a new country, it's important to follow your feelings and what truly makes you happy, even if it doesn’t seem entirely logical. For instance, if you're passionate about art, but a job in that field doesn't pay well, your heart might still urge you to pursue it because it brings you joy and fulfillment. By letting your heart guide you in these major choices, you stay true to what you love and what really matters to you deep down, leading to a more satisfied and meaningful life.