Now Quotes
"Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life."
"Forever is composed of nows"
"There may be more beautiful times, but this one is ours."
"Touching the present moment, we realize that the present is made of the past and is creating the future."
"The present moment is the only time over which we have dominion."
"Life exists only at this very moment, and in this moment it is infinite and eternal. For the present moment is infinitely small; before we can measure it, it has gone, and yet it exists forever."
"You can spend your whole life imagining ghosts, worrying about the pathway to the future, but all there will ever be is what’s happening here"
"Whatever has happened to you in your past has no power over this present moment, because life is now."
"Life is available only in the present moment."
"I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is."
"Our appointment with life is in the present moment."
"Happiness, not in another place but this place...not for another hour, but this hour."
"What we call the present is given shape by an accumulation"