Startups Quotes
"Well, I think that there’s a very thin dividing line between success and failure. And I think if you start a business without financial backing, you’re likely to go the wrong side of that dividing line."
"Entrepreneurship is like eating glass and walking on hot coals at the same time."
"My proceeds from the PayPal acquisition were $180 million. I put $100 million in SpaceX, $70 million in Tesla, and $10 million in Solar City. I had to borrow money for rent."
"Starting and growing a business is as much about the innovation, drive, and determination of the people who do it as it is about the product they sell."
"Startups are inherently chaotic"
"Innovation doesn’t come from bureaucracy, it comes from entrepreneurs. Keep your garage mentality."
"The best startups might be considered slightly less extreme kinds of cults"
"The only reason you should be an entrepreneur is because that's the only way the idea will come into the world"
"There are a lot of people building small ideas now. There's an idealization of being an entrepreneur, but the most important thing is to have a really great idea"
"At Uber, we say, 'Always be hustling.' Even if you are an introvert and you haven't got hustle in you, you better get a co-founder who does"
"Everyone has an idea. But it's really about executing the idea and attracting other people to help you work on the idea"
"Two of the biggest challenges for entrepreneurs are stepping back to focus on the problem instead of rushing to build, and having the discipline to say no to new features"
"Running a startup is like eating glass. You just start to like the taste of your own blood"
"Entrepreneurs do more than anyone thinks possible"