"Sueña sueña sueña Los sueños se transforman en pensamientos y los pensamientos resultan en acción"
— A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
Simplified Meaning:
When you dream about something, it means you are thinking about what you want in life, like a goal or a wish. Having dreams helps you start thinking about how to achieve them. For example, if someone dreams of becoming a great musician, they start imagining themselves playing music. These thoughts then turn into planning and learning, like practicing an instrument. Finally, their thoughts lead them to take real steps, such as taking music lessons or performing in public. This process shows how dreaming can spark real actions that help make your dreams come true. Everyone can use their dreams to motivate themselves and work towards their goals bit by bit.
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Actions Aspiration Dreams Inspiration Motivation Personal development Positive thinking Self-improvement Thoughts TransformationFEATURED QUOTES