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Adam Sandler Quotes

"It feels good to try, but playing it safe might be smart.""I was raised by a mother who told me I was great every day of my life.""I sing seriously to my mom on the phone. To put her in a good mood.""I think I would be a good dad. Especially if my kid was a smart-aleck. Because that kid would be my hero.""I'm not comfortable with being financially comfortable.""My grandmother and my mother raised me, and we always had strong women in the house.""It definitely has learning a lesson and being kind to others and all those things I like.""Now that I'm a parent, I understand why my father was in a bad mood a lot.""God gave me some weird, beautiful children.""This character feels so much like my brother. I have to love him because he's me.""When I take my kid to school, all the parents stop and stare.""I'm not comfortable being around too many people.""My comedy is different every time I do it. I just throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks.""Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Chemistry is good when you make love with it. Chemistry is bad when you make crack with it.""I think the reason I was able to get the roles I did was because I can't dance or sing."
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