“My comedy is different every time I do it. I just throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks.”
— Adam Sandler
Simplified Meaning:
This quote is about trying different things to see what works best. The person is saying that their jokes or performances are not the same every time. They try out new ideas and see which ones people like. It’s like cooking and adding a bunch of different spices to see which combination tastes the best. For example, if someone is learning to tell jokes, they might try different styles—some silly, some smart, some about everyday life. They pay attention to which jokes make people laugh the most. Over time, they learn what their audience likes and become better at making people laugh. This approach can be used in many areas of life, like trying new ways of studying, choosing hobbies, or even making friends. It teaches us to be flexible and open to experimenting, so we discover what works best through experience.