"حب الأم لطفلها يشبه لا شيء آخر في العالم. لا يعرف قانونًا ولا شفقة. يتحدى كل الأشياء ويدمر بلا رحمة كل ما يعترض طريقه."
— Agatha Christie
Simplified Meaning:
A mother's love for her child is unique and incredibly powerful. Unlike other forms of love or attachment, it doesn't follow any rules or feel sympathy for obstacles. This kind of love will do anything and overcome any challenge to protect and support the child. For example, consider how a mother might stay up all night taking care of her sick child, regardless of how tired she is or what responsibilities she has the next day. This intense dedication shows that a mother's love is all about putting her child first, no matter what. In everyday life, this means showing immense bravery and determination when defending or helping her child. This kind of love is fierce, unstoppable, and willing to take on the entire world for the sake of the child's well-being.