"نادرًا ما ندرك، على سبيل المثال، أن أفكارنا وعواطفنا الأكثر خصوصية ليست في الواقع خاصة بنا. فنحن نفكر بلغات وصور لم نخترعها، بل قُدمت لنا من قبل مجتمعنا."
— Alan Watts
Simplified Meaning:
Many of our personal thoughts and feelings are shaped by the words and pictures we've learned from those around us. Imagine a child growing up; they learn how to talk and understand the world from their parents, teachers, and the media. Even when we feel like we're alone in our minds, we're actually using tools we got from our community. For example, when you feel proud, the way you describe that pride and even the concept of pride itself comes from your culture. This means our inner experiences are deeply connected to the people and society we live in. Recognizing this can help us understand that our views and emotions might be influenced by the bigger world, and we can use this awareness to think more critically about why we feel or believe certain things.