"إن الطريقة الأكثر تأكيدًا لتحفيز حملة لصالح قضية جيدة هي أن تعد الناس بفرصة لإساءة معاملة شخص ما. أن تكون قادرًا على التدمير بضمير مرتاح أن تكون قادرًا على التصرف بشكل سيء وتسمي سلوكك السيء بالغضب الصالح هذا هو قمة الرفاهية النفسية وأشهى المكافآت الأخلاقية"
— Aldous Huxley
Simplified Meaning:
People often feel powerful and justified when they can hurt others but call it fighting for a good cause. This happens because some causes let us believe our harmful actions are actually right and moral. Imagine a situation where a community believes they are defending their town by bullying outsiders. They may think going after those who are different is okay because they are "protecting" their own. It's like giving people a free pass to act cruelly while feeling proud of themselves. When you feel allowed to mistreat others and still think you're doing something noble, it can feel very satisfying. Be careful of causes that make it seem fine to be mean, as it’s often just an excuse for bad behavior.