"الليل هو وقت أكثر هدوءًا للعمل. إنه يعين على التفكير."
— Alexander Graham Bell
Simplified Meaning:
Working at night can be more peaceful and help you think better. During the day, there are many distractions like noise, people talking, phones ringing, and other interruptions. But at night, most of these distractions are gone because people are asleep, and it's quieter. This calm environment makes it easier to concentrate and come up with good ideas. For instance, many writers and artists prefer to work at night because they can focus better and be more creative without the daytime noise. If you have a big project or need to solve a problem, trying to work at night might help you think more clearly and get better results.
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Concentration Creative Nighttime Peace Productivity Quiet Reflection Solitude Thought WorkFEATURED QUOTES