"نحن نكره الأشياء التي نخافها نحن نخاف الأشياء التي لا نفهمها"
— Allen Saunders
Simplified Meaning:
When we don't understand something, it often makes us feel scared or unsure. This fear can then turn into anger or dislike. For example, imagine a person who has never met someone from a different country or culture. Because it's new and different, they might feel uneasy. This unease can make them dislike or distrust that person, even though they don't know anything bad about them. By learning more about different cultures and people, we can overcome our fear and stop hating what we don't understand. It's like how we might be afraid of the dark as kids, but when we turn on the light and see there's nothing to be scared of, we stop being afraid. Similarly, understanding something better can remove our fear and help us not hate it.
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Behavior Emotions Fear Fear of the unknown Hate Human nature Ignorance Prejudice Psychology UnderstandingFEATURED QUOTES