"Creo firmemente en improvisar. Creo firmemente que nunca encontrarás tu ciudad perfecta o tu casa perfecta de inmediato."
— Anthony Bourdain
Simplified Meaning:
It's okay to improvise and not have everything planned out perfectly. When you move to a new city or buy a new house, it might not feel perfect immediately. You might feel unsure or even uncomfortable at first because it's all new. But over time, you can make it feel like home. For example, imagine moving to a new town for a job. At first, you might think the place isn't right for you because you don't know anyone and everything seems different. But as you settle in, make friends, and get to know the community, it can start to feel comfortable and perfect for you. So, it's important to be open to new experiences and give things a chance instead of waiting for perfect conditions. This way, you can find joy and comfort in the journey, not just the destination.