"كنت دائمًا أحلم بأشخاص ذوي قوة كبيرة، مثل الديكتاتوريين وما شابه ذلك. كنت دائمًا مندهشًا من الأشخاص الذين يمكن تذكرهم لمئات السنين، أو حتى مثل يسوع، الذين يتم تذكرهم لآلاف السنين."
— Arnold Schwarzenegger
Simplified Meaning:
The person is talking about how they admired people who had a lot of power and were famous for a long time, like leaders or Jesus. They were fascinated by how these people were remembered for many years.
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Ambition Dictatorship Greatness Historical figures Immortality Influence Inspiration Legacy Memory PowerFEATURED QUOTES