"知恵の独占権はどの政党にもありません。妥協なしに機能する民主主義はありません。しかし、ロムニー知事と彼の同盟者たちが、裕福な人々に数兆ドルもの新たな税控除をさらに支出することで、何とかして私たちの赤字を減らすことができると言うとき - まあ、計算してみてください。"
— Barack Obama
Simplified Meaning:
Nobody has all the answers or knows everything. In a democracy, people need to work together and make compromises to get things done. For example, think about a group of friends trying to decide where to go for dinner. If one person insists on their choice and refuses to listen to others, the group won't reach a decision. Instead, everyone needs to suggest ideas and find a middle ground that makes everyone reasonably happy. The statement also points out a specific issue: some politicians claim that giving more tax breaks to the rich will help reduce the country's debt. This is like saying you can save money by spending more, which doesn't make sense. If a family is in debt, they don’t solve it by buying more things but by cutting unnecessary expenses and managing their budget better. Similarly, reducing the country’s debt requires careful planning and realistic strategies, not just giving more money to those who are already wealthy. By working together and making thoughtful decisions, people in a democracy can create better solutions that benefit everyone, rather than relying on ideas that don’t add up.