"السبب الأساسي لفشل الحجة العقلانية هو أنها تفترض وجود متعة غير موجودة"
— Bertrand Russell
Simplified Meaning:
When people argue using logic alone, they sometimes assume that a certain kind of happiness or enjoyment will come from being purely logical. However, this kind of happiness they talk about doesn't actually happen in real life. For example, imagine someone who always makes decisions based solely on facts and numbers, without considering their feelings or those of others. They might miss out on personal joy and the deep connections with other people that come from empathy and emotions. In real life, we need more than just logic to find true happiness. We need emotional satisfaction, relationships, and experiences that make us feel good in ways that numbers and facts can't. To apply this idea, try balancing logic with emotions when making decisions. Consider what makes you and others happy, not just what seems logically correct. This way, you can find more fulfilling and enjoyable experiences.