"باید تا حدی به نظر عموم احترام گذاشت که از گرسنگی جلوگیری کند و از زندان دور بماند اما هر چیز فراتر از این تسلیم داوطلبانه به یک استبداد غیرضروری است"
— Bertrand Russell
Simplified Meaning:
It's important for us to care about what others think to the extent that it helps us live and stay out of trouble. For example, if a person behaves nicely at work, it's because they need their job to buy food and survive. Likewise, we follow laws so that we don't end up in jail. However, if we worry too much about what other people think, beyond what's needed for basic survival and staying free, we're making ourselves needlessly unhappy. It's like agreeing to have someone control your life when it's not really required. It's better to focus on what's really important for our well-being and freedom rather than trying to please everyone.