"忍耐と退屈は密接に関連しています 退屈は致命的な状態になる可能性があり スカイダイビングはその解毒剤かもしれません"
— Bertrand Russell
Simplified Meaning:
Patience and boredom often go hand in hand. When we are patient, we sometimes feel bored because we are waiting for something to happen. Boredom can be very unpleasant and even harmful if we let it take over. It might lead us to do risky or exciting things to feel alive again, like the rush people get from skydiving. For example, imagine you are waiting a long time for your favorite concert tickets to go on sale. The wait can be so dull that you start to feel restless. Some people might pick up a new hobby or do something thrilling to fill that time and make life feel exciting again. This tells us that while patience is important, we should also find healthy and safe ways to keep our lives interesting and avoid harmful boredom. So, instead of just waiting and feeling bored, find good activities that help you stay engaged and happy.