“Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in Aim at earth and you get neither”
— C. S. Lewis
Simplified Meaning:
If you set your goals really high and aim for something big and important, you will still achieve a lot, even if you don’t reach that exact goal. For instance, if you aim to be the best in your career, you might end up becoming very successful and respected, even if you don't become number one. On the other hand, if you aim low and settle for something easy or not very ambitious, you might not accomplish much at all. Think of it like a student aiming for an A+ in school; even if they miss the A+, they might still get a B or a C, which is still good. But if they only aim to just pass, they might fail because they’re not pushing themselves. So, it’s better to aim high and dream big, because it can lead to greater success and achievements than aiming for something too simple.