"يتأرجح بندول العقل بين المعقول وغير المعقول وليس بين الصواب والخطأ."
— Carl Jung
Simplified Meaning:
This quote means that our thoughts often swing back and forth between things that make sense and things that don't, rather than just between what's right and wrong. Imagine you're trying to solve a tricky problem. Sometimes, you'll come up with ideas that are logical and helpful. Other times, your ideas might be confusing and seem pointless. This happens because our brains constantly sift through different kinds of thoughts, not just ones that are morally good or bad. For example, when inventors are creating new gadgets, they will have many ideas that seem silly or weird before they find the ones that work. It's about finding what makes sense, rather than always worrying about what's right or wrong. So in your own life, give yourself space to think freely and creatively without judging every thought as right or wrong immediately.