"علم بسیار بیشتر از اینکه یک مجموعهای از دانش باشد، یک روش اندیشیدن است"
— Carl Sagan
Simplified Meaning:
Science isn't just about collecting facts or doing experiments; it's a way of understanding the world around us. Imagine you see a plant growing in your garden. Instead of just noticing it's there, you ask yourself why it grows better in one spot than another or why its leaves turn a certain color. This curiosity and questioning are what really define science. In history, think about how people once thought the Earth was flat. Curious minds questioned this belief, tested it, and discovered it was round. This change didn’t come just from observations; it came from thinking deeply about those observations and questioning what was accepted as true. In your own life, you can use this approach by not taking things at face value. If someone tells you something surprising, like that a type of food is bad for you, don’t just accept it. Look into it, ask questions, and find out why. This helps you make better decisions based on understanding, not just on what you’ve been told.