"يجب أن تتألف التعليم الحقيقي من استنباط الخير والأفضل من طلابنا. أي كتب أفضل يمكن أن تكون غير كتاب الإنسانية؟"
— Cesar Chavez
Simplified Meaning:
Real education is about helping students find and develop their good qualities and best abilities. Just like a gardener helps flowers grow by giving them the right environment, teachers should help students grow by encouraging their strengths and kindness. Instead of only focusing on traditional books and lessons, we should also learn from people around us. Everyone we meet can teach us something valuable, like how to be kind, hardworking, and understanding. For example, learning from a friend's dedication to sports can show the importance of perseverance. Applying this wisdom means connecting with others and paying attention to their positive qualities, which can help us become better people.
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