"وارن وأنا لدينا مهارات يمكن تعليمها بسهولة لأشخاص آخرين. في الواقع، بعض الناس يستخدمونها بالفعل. لكنهم يميلون إلى أن يكونوا مهارات غير شائعة."
— Charlie Munger
Simplified Meaning:
The quote is saying that Warren and the speaker have special abilities or knowledge that others can learn, although not many people actually have these skills right now. Imagine you know someone who is very good at fixing cars – their talent comes from learning specific techniques and understanding how car parts work. While anyone can potentially learn this by studying and practicing, not everyone chooses to or even knows they can. In real life, think about famous chefs. They have unique cooking skills that they gained through experience and training. Aspiring chefs can learn these cooking techniques and recipes, but great chefs are still rare because it takes dedication and practice to master the craft. So, if someone wants to apply this idea, they can start learning new, valuable skills that are less common. By doing so, they might become really good at something that not many people are good at, giving them a unique advantage in their personal or professional life.