"توصلت إلى استنتاج مفاده أننا يجب أن نطمح إلى زيادة نطاق وعي الإنسان من أجل فهم أفضل للأسئلة التي يجب طرحها. في الواقع الشيء الوحيد الذي يبدو منطقياً هو السعي نحو التنوير الجماعي الأكبر."
— Elon Musk
Simplified Meaning:
When we try to make our minds more aware and knowledgeable, we can better understand the important questions we need to ask about life. Think of it like this: if you're trying to solve a puzzle but don't know what the picture should look like, it's hard to know where to start. But if someone gives you a hint or a bigger picture, it becomes easier. In real life, when people learn more and think more deeply together, they can make better decisions and come up with smarter ideas. Imagine a group of scientists working to find a cure for a disease; alone, they might struggle, but together, sharing their knowledge and asking the right questions, they can find a solution faster. So, if we all work on becoming more aware and understanding more, we can improve things not just for ourselves, but for everyone.