"我没有伤你的心 - 你伤了它而且在伤它的时候你也伤了我的心"
— Emily Bronte
Simplified Meaning:
When one person says they haven't broken another person's heart, but that person has actually broken their own heart, they're pointing out that the hurt was caused by the other person's actions or decisions. Imagine two friends, Alex and Sam. Alex feels hurt because Sam stopped talking to him. However, Sam reminds Alex that it was actually Alex who pushed Sam away by being unkind or dishonest. Because Alex's actions ended their friendship, both of them are now sad and heartbroken. In other words, sometimes people make choices that lead to their own sadness, but they might blame someone else for it. When someone realizes they cause their own pain, it also makes the person who cares about them feel sad too. For example, if a student refuses to study for an important exam and fails, they might feel sad and disappointed. But their teacher, who truly wanted them to succeed, feels heartbroken too because they care about the student's future. Anyone can apply this wisdom by understanding that their choices have consequences, not just for themselves but also for the people who care about them. It reminds us to be mindful of our actions and how they affect not only our own lives but also the feelings of those around us.