“You don't write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say.”
— F. Scott Fitzgerald
Simplified Meaning:
When someone writes, it's not just to fill up a page with words or because they feel like talking. Writing happens because they have an important message or idea they truly want to share. Think about when a friend sends you a heartfelt letter. They're not doing it just for fun; they really want you to understand their feelings, like how much they miss you or appreciate you. Take famous speeches in history, like Martin Luther King Jr.'s 'I Have a Dream' speech. He didn't speak those words just to talk in front of people. He had something very important to tell everyone about equality and justice. If you ever feel like writing, ask yourself what's driving you. Maybe you learned something valuable or had a unique experience you want to share. Writing from a place of true meaning and purpose will make your words impactful and genuine.