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Freddie Mercury Quotes
"A concert is not a live rendition of our album. It's a theatrical event."
"I'm possessed by love, but isn't everybody?"
"When I'm performing I'm an extrovert, yet inside I'm a completely different man."
"What will I be doing in twenty years' time? I'll be dead, darling! Are you crazy?"
"A concert is not a live rendition of our album. It's a theatrical event."
"Boredom is the biggest disease in the world, darling."
"The most important thing is to live a fabulous life"
"You can do anything you want to do"
"I won't be a rock star; I will be a legend"
"The show must go on"
"You can be anything you want to be"
"I'm just a musical prostitute, my dear"
"The most important thing is to live a fabulous life"
"If we had become people’s band, we’d be finished now"
"I think my melodies are superior to my lyrics"
"Modern paintings are like women, you’ll never enjoy them if you try to understand them"
"I won't be a rock star. I will be a legend"
"I have fun with my clothes onstage; it's not a concert you're seeing, it's a fashion show"
"I'm hopeless with money; I simply spend what I've got"
"I want to lead the Victorian life, surrounded by exquisite clutter"