"6 من يحارب الوحوش عليه أن ينتبه بألا يتحول هو نفسه إلى وحش وإذا أطلت النظر إلى الهاوية فإن الهاوية ستنظر إليك"
— Friedrich Nietzsche
Simplified Meaning:
When someone battles evil or bad things, they need to be careful that they don't become evil themselves. For instance, if a police officer is trying to catch criminals, they shouldn't start becoming too brutal or unfair, because that would make them similar to the criminals they are trying to stop. Also, when you look at darkness or something really bad for too long, it might start to change you. In other words, spending too much time focused on negative things can make you negative too. So, it's important to stay true to your values and not let the bad stuff you are dealing with change who you are. This is useful advice because it reminds us to keep our integrity and goodness even when facing tough or bad situations.
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Ethics Existentialism Good vs evil Human nature Introspection Moral integrity Nietzsche Philosophy Power PsychologyFEATURED QUOTES