"No es falta de amor, sino falta de amistad lo que hace que los matrimonios sean infelices."
— Friedrich Nietzsche
Simplified Meaning:
Many people think that love alone can make a marriage successful, but that's not true. Imagine two friends who enjoy spending time together, sharing secrets, and supporting each other. They laugh together, solve problems together, and truly understand each other. This deep friendship is essential in a marriage as well. When a couple doesn't have this strong bond of friendship, even if they love each other, they might struggle to cooperate or enjoy each other's company. They might not communicate well or handle conflicts effectively. For instance, take John and Mary; they love each other, but they don't share common interests or talk much. Over time, they might feel lonely and frustrated because they don't feel understood or supported. To make a marriage happy, partners should work on being good friends who can rely on each other, enjoy activities together, and communicate openly. This strong foundation of friendship helps them face challenges with unity and joy.