"Les mêmes centres cérébraux qui interprètent et traitent la douleur émotionnelle sont ceux qui interprètent et traitent la douleur physique"
— Gabor Mate
Simplified Meaning:
When we feel hurt emotionally, like when someone says something mean or breaks our trust, our brain reacts in the same way as it does to physical pain, like when we cut our finger or break a bone. Our brain does not really make a strong distinction between the two kinds of pain because it uses the same areas to understand and deal with both. Imagine falling and scraping your knee. You feel a sharp, physical pain. Now, think about a time when a good friend made you feel really bad, like by ignoring you or making a nasty comment. That hurt, although different, can feel just as intense. This is because your brain is processing both experiences in a similar way. Understanding this can help us be kinder to ourselves and others. We can appreciate that emotional pain is just as real and valid as physical pain, so we should take care of our feelings just as much as our bodies. For example, if someone is heartbroken, they need comfort and support just as much as someone with a broken arm.