“Time is the one asset none of us is ever going to get more of.”
— Gary Vaynerchuk
Simplified Meaning:
Time is something we can't make more of or get back once it's gone. Imagine you have a toy that you love to play with, but it breaks, and no one can fix it or buy a new one. You only had that one toy, and now it's gone forever. Time works the same way—once a minute passes, you can't have it back. In history, think of famous leaders or inventors—they all had the same number of hours in a day that we do. How they used those hours made them successful. Abraham Lincoln became a great president because he used his time wisely to read, learn, and make important decisions. If we waste time, we lose out on doing important things like spending time with family or learning new skills. Every day, try to focus on what really matters and use your time well. So, if you want to get better at something, like playing an instrument or studying for a test, practice every day without getting distracted. This way, you make the most out of the limited time you have.