"ما را از چیزی منع کن و آن چیز را آرزو خواهیم کرد"
— Geoffrey Chaucer
Simplified Meaning:
When someone tells us we can't have or do something, it often makes us want it even more. Think about a child who isn't allowed to have candy before dinner. As soon as they are told they can't have it, the candy suddenly becomes the most tempting thing in the house. This happens not just to children but to everyone. When the government banned alcohol in the U.S. during the Prohibition era, many people found ways to secretly make and drink alcohol because they wanted it more than ever. In our everyday lives, if we focus too much on a rule or restriction, we might become obsessed with what we can't have. To avoid this, it's helpful to understand why the rule exists and find other things to focus on that bring us joy or satisfaction.
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Behavior Curiosity Desire Forbidden Human nature Motivation Psychology Restriction TemptationFEATURED QUOTES