"Mourir en les détestant, c'était ça la liberté."
— George Orwell
Simplified Meaning:
The quote is about finding a sense of personal power and freedom through defiance. Imagine someone who has suffered a lot under the control of another person or group. Even if this person can't change their situation physically, they can still take control of their own feelings and thoughts. By choosing to dislike or oppose those who have caused them pain, they feel a sense of control and independence. For example, think of someone living under a strict and unfair government. They might not be able to change the laws or the leaders, but they can reject the ideas or rules being forced on them in their own mind. This inner rebellion helps them feel free, even if outwardly, their situation hasn't changed. Applying this to everyday life, if someone is in a challenging situation they can't escape from, choosing to hold on to their own beliefs and feelings can provide a sense of freedom and self-respect.