"الحب جميل يا نيد العزيز، لكنه لا يمكن أن يغير طبيعة الرجل"
— George R.R. Martin
Simplified Meaning:
When people fall in love, they often believe they can change each other's habits or personalities. However, this idea isn't realistic because love doesn't have the power to alter who someone fundamentally is. For example, if someone is naturally very introverted and prefers spending time alone, falling in love won't suddenly make them a social butterfly. They may make efforts to be more social for the sake of their partner, but their core personality remains the same. The important thing is accepting and loving each other for who they are, rather than hoping for changes that might never come. By understanding this, people can have healthier and more realistic expectations in their relationships.
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Affection Change Character Human nature Love Personality Philosophy Relationships Romance UnchangeableFEATURED QUOTES