"اربط نفسك برجال ذو جودة عالية إذا كنت تقدر سمعتك الخاصة فإنه من الأفضل أن تكون وحيداً على أن تكون في صحبة سيئة"
— George Washington
Simplified Meaning:
It's important to spend time with people who have good character and morals because that affects how others see you. If you want to be respected, stay close to those who are honest, kind, and hardworking. Imagine you have a friend who is always causing trouble or breaking rules. Even if you're not the one doing wrong, others might think less of you simply because you spend time with that person. On the other hand, being around honest and good people will help you gain respect. Sometimes it's better to be by yourself than to be with someone who might lead you into trouble or make others doubt your character. In everyday life, this means choosing friends who make positive choices and encourage you to do the same.
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