“What stays in your heart will stay; keep them, and what vanishes will vanish. Concentrate on the fact that you have something in your heart, and not on the fact that you don't have what you want.”
— Haruki Murakami
Simplified Meaning:
This quote is about focusing on the good things in your life that you already have, rather than being sad about what you don’t have. Imagine you have two friends: one who lives nearby and you see often, and another who moved away and you haven’t seen in years. You can spend your time being grateful for and enjoying the company of the nearby friend rather than being upset about the friend who moved away. In life, it's easy to get caught up in wanting things we don't have. For example, some people always want a bigger house or a fancier car and feel unhappy because they don't have those things. Instead, they could choose to appreciate their comfortable home and working car. This way of thinking leads to a happier, more content life because you're valuing what you already possess. Applying this to your life means practicing gratitude daily. You can start by thinking about three things you're grateful for every morning. This shift in focus helps you appreciate the present moment and the joys you're experiencing right now, making you feel more fulfilled and less worried about what's missing.