"Como la mayoría de los demás, yo era un buscador, un agitador, un descontento, y a veces un estúpido alborotador nunca estuve ocioso el tiempo suficiente para pensar mucho, pero de alguna manera sentí que algunos de nosotros estábamos haciendo un progreso "
— Hunter S. Thompson
Simplified Meaning:
This quote is about a person who is always looking for new experiences and never likes to stay still. They constantly move from one thing to another, sometimes causing trouble along the way and not always thinking things through. Despite their restless nature, they feel deep down that they, along with others who are similar, are actually achieving something important in life. For example, think of an explorer who travels the world searching for new places and experiences. They might not settle down or take much time to reflect on their actions, but they still feel that their journey leads to meaningful discoveries. This can apply to anyone who feels restless and always on the move, reminding them that sometimes the act of seeking and experiencing life can lead to personal growth and progress, even if it doesn't always seem structured or well-thought-out. If you often find yourself jumping from one project or interest to another, it's okay—you're still moving forward and learning from your experiences.