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Ice Cube Quotes

"You can do universal themes in a community setting but you can't do community themes in a universal setting.""You can't cheat the grind, it knows how much you've invested. It won't give you anything you haven't worked for.""Truth's gonna always come out.""I do music for the love of it, and I live and breathe it""A lot of truth is said in jest""Once you figure out what your fake friends are really about, their charm starts to fade fast""The worst thing you can do about a situation is nothing""We had our fun but now it looks like it's over""We ain't thugs for the sake of just being thugs""Life ain't a track meet it's a marathon""Everybody thinks we're so bad because of the violence but our lyrics are about speaking the truth""You gotta keep your head up even when the road is hard""Today I didn't even have to use my AK I got to say it was a good day""We are living in an environment where people think appearances are reality""I ain't the type to sit around and let things happen to me. I happen to things""Our art is a reflection of our reality""I got a lot of love for a lot of people, but those who are closest always get the most""I'd rather regret doing something than not doing something""You better check yourself before you wreck yourself""I think the worst thing you can do about a situation is nothing."
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