"Cuando era joven, me derribaban mucho. Quería quedarme en el suelo, pero no podía. Tenía que recoger los dos dólares por ganar o pasar hambre. Tuve una pelea en el estado de Nueva York que duró veinte asaltos. Gané 6 dólares. Pero gané la pelea. Todo el ti"
— Jack Dempsey
Simplified Meaning:
This quote talks about persistence and pushing through tough times because you have to. The person in the quote is a boxer who faced many challenges. Even when he was knocked down in a fight and wanted to give up, he kept getting back up. He had to keep fighting because the money from winning was necessary for his survival. An example from real life could be a student working hard to get good grades despite facing difficulties, so they can get a scholarship for college. Just like the boxer, the student understands that their effort is necessary for a better future. The message is that even when things are hard, you should keep trying because the rewards of your efforts are worth it in the end.
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Boxing Courage Determination Hardship Motivation Perseverance Resilience Struggle Success VictoryFEATURED QUOTES