“Hatred, which could destroy so much, never failed to destroy the man who hated, and this was an immutable law”
— James Baldwin
Simplified Meaning:
When someone hates another person, it often ends up hurting the one who is doing the hating. Imagine you are holding a hot coal to throw at someone you dislike; you will burn your hand before you ever get the chance to throw it. This is because hatred tends to consume the person who holds onto it, leading to stress, anger, and even health problems. One historical example is of dictators who were filled with hatred and paranoia about their enemies; they often lived miserable lives and many met tragic ends themselves. If you carry hate in your heart, it's like carrying a heavy burden that affects your peace of mind and happiness. Instead of holding onto hatred, letting it go can free you and improve your well-being.
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Anger Bitterness Consequence Consequences Destruction Emotion Emotional impact Hatred Human nature Immutable Inner peace Inner turmoil Law Negative impact Philosophy Psychology Resentment Self-destruction