— James Baldwin
Simplified Meaning:
Love often doesn't follow the timeline or rules we expect. We might think love should start with a big moment, like in movies, and end clearly when it's over. But in real life, love can grow slowly, from small acts of kindness or shared experiences. Likewise, love can linger even after a relationship ends, in memories and feelings that stay with us. Imagine planting a tree. You plant the seed, water it, and at first, it seems like nothing’s happening. Over time, though, little shoots appear and eventually, a strong tree grows. Relationships can be like that tree, developing in unexpected ways. Even after the tree's fall, its roots remain in the soil, much like how love leaves a lasting impact on us. This means we might not always see its beginning or end clearly, but it changes us deeply. To apply this, be patient with relationships and understand that their influence can be long-lasting and unpredictable.