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Jay Shetty Quotes

"The more we define ourselves in relation to the people around us, the more lost we are.""Every day is an opportunity to learn and grow.""True success is when you can create happiness for yourself and others.""Time is our most valuable asset, and how we spend it is a reflection of who we are.""The purpose of life is to find our gift. The meaning of life is to give it away.""Be open to finding beauty in the unexpected.""The depth of our love can only be measured by our willingness to sacrifice.""The more we let go of attachments, the more we gain peace.""Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness.""Success begins with self-awareness.""The best lessons come from the most unexpected places.""Make your mission greater than your struggle.""Purpose is the reason you journey, passion is the fire that lights your way""Finding the right balance between work and play is essential for a fulfilling life""The most powerful prison is the one in your mind""The key to having more hope and win in life is to appreciate moments of joy as much as moments of victory""If we never learn to be alone, we will always feel lonely""To love without condition, to talk without intention, listen without judging, to give without reason and to care without expectation, that's the spirit of true love""Never judge anyone else's choices without knowing all their reasons""When you try to live to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one, including yourself"
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