“Life has no meaning except for the meaning man gives his life by the unfolding of his powers.”
— Jean Paul Sartre
Simplified Meaning:
Our lives don't come with a built-in purpose or meaning; we create it ourselves through what we do and how we use our skills and abilities. Think of life like a blank canvas. It's up to each person to decide what to paint on it. For example, a musician might find meaning by making music and sharing it with others. Someone else might find purpose in helping people, like a doctor who saves lives or a teacher who shapes young minds. What's important is that we actively use our talents and interests to shape our lives in a way that feels fulfilling and valuable to us. So, instead of waiting for life to show you its purpose, take action and create it with the things you're passionate about.
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Existentialism Human potential Individuality Inner strength Meaning of life Personal power Philosophy Purpose Self-discovery Self-empowermentFEATURED QUOTES