“There is no such thing as inevitable war. If war comes it will be from failure of human wisdom.”
— Jean Paul Sartre
Simplified Meaning:
War doesn't just happen on its own; it's not something that must happen no matter what. If a war does break out, it's because people weren't wise enough to prevent it. Think about two neighbors having a disagreement. If both neighbors sit down, talk, and understand each other, they can solve their issues peacefully. But if they refuse to communicate and let their anger grow, they might start fighting. The same goes for countries. Leaders and citizens can work together, talk about their problems, and find peaceful solutions. When they fail to do so, war becomes the consequence of their inability to make wise choices. So, using wisdom in problem-solving can help prevent conflicts and wars from occurring.
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Conflict Diplomacy Failure Human error Human wisdom Inevitability Peace Prevention War WisdomFEATURED QUOTES