“Judge not that you be not judged”
— Jesus Christ
Simplified Meaning:
If you don't want others to criticize you, don't criticize them. When you judge people, they are likely to judge you back. Think of it like this: if you constantly point out your friend's mistakes, they might start pointing out yours too. This can create a cycle of negativity. For instance, at work, if you keep complaining about a coworker not doing their job well, chances are they will start picking on your flaws. To avoid this, it's better to be understanding and supportive. This doesn't mean you ignore problems but address them kindly without being harsh. This way, you'll create a more positive environment and be treated more kindly by others.
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Compassion Empathy Humility Judgment Mindfulness Non-judgmental Reflection Self-awareness Understanding WisdomFEATURED QUOTES