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John C. Maxwell Quotes
"The first step to leadership is servanthood"
"You will never change your life until you change something you do daily"
"A good leader is a person who takes a little more than his share of the blame and a little less than his share of the credit"
"People who use time wisely spend it on activities that advance their overall purpose in life"
"We cannot become what we need by remaining what we are"
"The whole idea of motivation is a trap. Forget motivation. Just do it"
"Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them"
"Real leadership is being the person others will gladly and confidently follow"
"True success comes from failing forward "
"Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time "
"The more you invest in a marriage, the more valuable it becomes "
"Everything rises and falls on leadership "
"Talent is a gift, but character is a choice "
"Being willing to give up some of the good to develop what can be great is the hardest betrayal we have to endure "
"Reflective thinking turns experience into insight "
"The secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda"
"Good executives never put off until tomorrow what they can get someone else to do today"
"Leadership is influence"
"People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision"
"A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them"