"یک شخص ممکن است نه تنها با اعمال خود بلکه با بیعملی خود به دیگران بدی کند و در هر دو حالت او به حق برای صدمه وارد شده به آنها پاسخگو است."
— John Stuart Mill
Simplified Meaning:
When people harm others, it's not just because of what they do, but also because of what they don't do. Imagine someone sees another person being bullied but chooses to stay silent and not help. Even though they didn't join in the bullying, their decision not to act also caused harm. In both cases, whether they did something bad or just stood by and did nothing, they are responsible for the hurt that happened. Take a simple example: if a person sees trash on the ground and does nothing, it can lead to pollution. By not picking up the trash, they are part of the problem. So, both actions and inactions carry responsibility, and people should be aware that ignoring a problem can be just as bad as causing it. By stepping up and doing the right thing, even when it’s easier to do nothing, a person can make a positive difference.